Saturday, 31 May 2008
Saturday morning, fever got worst, and yes same goes for my nose, it's very agonizing. So didn't went for training. Slept till 1 plus. Finally can repay back those loss sleep that i deserve. Today itineary was just to head to work in the evening to help boss pack up his shop, sad case as it was his last day there. Since i got some spare time to kill, decided to clear up my secondary school stuff that i just dumped in two big boxes. Reason why i was hesitant in throwing those stuff ater O levels was because to me, those stuff really carry's a lot of sentimental value. It brings back memories of my seconday school days, being a dunmanite, spending those quality time with my bunch of friends. Really felt that those secondary school days are the most memorable times i had spent in my teenage years. I will defintiely remember and treasure those days, just wish i could turn back time.
As i was looking through the notes, exam papers, files, story books, each single one of those item that i took out form the box really brought back a lot of wondeful and contented memories. When i look at each of the school year book, i saw the transformation of each of my classmates when we were just newbies till we mature when we graduated. A lot of us change physically, yea i mean became more hot, and also in terms of mindset, we changed into a more independent and critical minded young adults. Seriouly, i miss my Dunman days. It was quite heart-breaking to throw away all my school work, especially those notes and mind map that i actually had drawn out for my own revision. While browsing through the literature file, saw farhana notes that she shared with us, that really put a smile on my face because i remembered that even though we were all on a competitive stand in getting good grades, there were actually kind souls who were willing to share their knowledge and resources. How i wish i could turn back time.
But what to do, this is life, we just got to move on, the only way is to just treasure those wonderful people that you have met throughout your life journey. Hope we can have a class reunion soon!
That was it, after that headed down to thomson to help boss pack up his shop. Farhana was there and was delighted to see her as it's been wuite sometime since i saw her. Just hope boss will get a new place for his store, because i am really condfident that his business will be a success in future. To the biatch who ask him to move out, just bare in mind that you won't go far, because one day you will get to taste your own medicine. Money is an issue, but being self-centered about it like wanting to gain all the recognition and profits for yourself without doing anything should not be the ways. Really hoe that boss business would reap profits in the months to come. God bless.
After clearing up the store we dress up the manakin so that with an ugly combination by using the skirt as a dress and the green shawl as the breast strap. Its all for the BIATCH!!!
Here are the pictures.................

I blog @ Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, 30 May 2008
the rest of the time i was in class, i felt superb agitated because im down with a flew and as per normal, watery mucus start dripping out from my nose. damn F ah, holiday come, then must fall sick. Can i just not fall sick, because i will have this slumber look and my face and i will have no mood to do anything.
Since holiday's coming up. which is only 1 WEEK, compliments to water week attachment on the third week of june. Its high time then i should spend time with my cliques, pals and friends because im alwyas deprived of it suring school term. Just need to relish myself from all those stress syndrome.
I blog @ Friday, May 30, 2008
Below is a picture of my MINDS classmate. Caught red-handed for sleeping during class.
sleeping is essential
I blog @ Friday, May 30, 2008
1st breakout for sales managemernt, had to go aroung campus and sell 4 pieces of ladies boxers costing 10 bucks each. Very paiseh going around selling those stuff. Thought couldnt sell it, but surprisingly, we got an overwhelming response. Kudos!!!I blog @ Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Happy Birdday tajuddin. It was yesterday. Hope you like the donuts, buses and yea the facials too.
After pondering about my life, I came to a point of realisation that i should strive fro better grades in class. Yea, its high time now for more A's. I dun want to repeat myself again like in secondary school in which my classmates were all hardworking and they excel in my studies, and being me, i always procastinate and think that studying is a painstaking process. One of the main reason why i end up in rp.
Thus, i do not want history to repeat itself again. For a start, i plan to be punctual for class to avoid grades deduction. Secondly to be an engaging and diligent team player. Thirdly, just say what i feel like saying, its freedom of speech. So if i ask questions in class, don't think that i am arrogant, stuck-up, i'm just clearing my doubts. So, it's back to O levels time, need to start reading up and jotting down notes.
I would like to condemn a particular human being by the surname of thai. He does not potray the qualities of an educator. He's FUCKING bias with the grades and it is totally unfair, i dare to say that he is an insensible bastard who does not give grades fairly. I am still keeping my patience for grades u gave for the past lesson, but for last week, it really makes me totally pissed off. The anger is just burning non stop. So i am waiting for tomolo, he's wonder lesson, prolly he will just sleep during student's presentation, that is what he's good for. If it's just me and wani doing the slides and preparation, then i guess we should just present it by ourselves.
Adipavi aso asking for it now.I blog @ Thursday, May 29, 2008
Friday, 23 May 2008
I always encounter people asking me why i don't like to smile. So let me be straightfoward with this. Firstly, i just have low confidence of myself. My teeth needs braces, grandma insisted on paying it for me, but i prefer saving it for myself. Tried using it for 3 mths but its fucking painful, cant eat properly, can't even talk properly. Other reasons is that i just have a low self-esteem, criticize or look down at me, I dun care. My level of self-esteem is superb low, I don't even like looking at my own reflection on the mirror, in pictures or anywhere that show my face. I dunno why. i been having this problem since i started secondary school. I dunno why i tink that i'm ugly. Seriously, i tried to overcome this problem long ago, but it seems tono avail. So to everyone who is reading this, it is one of my internal problems that i face with myself. I just wished i had a higher level os self-esteem and learn to be proud of myself.I blog @ Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
tuesday happenings of fashion show would be updated once i receive the pics.
Wednesday has become more and more of the mundane day of the week because it is law module. Last week lesson was easy to handle, same goes for today, but the mood was just not there. Reason being our facilitator melissa babe was on leave, thus we merge lesson with another class whom the module chair is facilitating. It's totally a wrong combination. She seems to have more interaction with her own class and that our class totally felt alienated due to her different method of facilitating. I just don't like it, hope there is no more of this because i'm trying to like law module. Not only that, there wer some students from the other class who were superb lame and trying to act happening, but really cannot make it. U tink u funny, better read up more joke books then for some self-improvement.
Since the ambience was not there, my brains was not functioning throughout, so some of my classmates decide to leave during 2nd breakout. it was a relish feeling to get out of that lecture room. Headed down to popeye which was our long awaited outing that we had plan way back. More outing to come along. Pics for today.

I blog @ Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Didn't updated blog for the pass 4 days, too busy with fashion show preparation and the big day itself was yeaterday. Let me reset back from saturday.
Saturday, went out wit farhi to ikea to get some stuff for my bedroom, didn't had any objectives on what to buy, so at the end i just bought a study lamp for my desk and a new earpiece. Both of us were bored at that time because the rest of the pals are busy with their stuff. After that, headed down to haji lane to look for some clothings, it now's give me motivation to save money now because the stuff down there are awesome, but it carries a heavy price tag with it too. Then form there when meet farhi three friends who i can't remember their names. Went for sisha at Haji Lane before meeting Des at boat quay. The end.
Sunday, it was actually my off day but my boss didn't inform me about it. Quite frustrated in the first place otherwise i do not need to get out of bed so early. So at the end of it, i told linda i will cover the evening shift as it was too tiring for her to work 12hrs straight. Practically, sunday at working days. I miss all my friends. After seeing the news on the natural disaster that is struck Myanmar and China mad e me realise that life is so fragile, and yea we Singaporeans must learn to be appreciative of the life we are leading. It seems that when we are given something good, we just want more of it. It dosen't stop. Our brains are just glued with this mindset of looking foward, yea its a positive approach, but at the end of it, one still need to look behind because there are people who are not so unfortunate like us. Just be appreciative of your current status. treasure the blisfullness of life, feel the divine process of it.
Vesak Day, Monday blues, Public holiday but i spend almost the whole day for the fashion show setup with Pingster and Aaron. This event meant a lot for us, so we wanted to make sure that everything are in tip-top condition. After everything was done, met with shi yun to vivo for dinner. I was craving for the char kway teow at the banquet there, totally awesome. Then went daiso to get some clips for the show tomolo, ended up buying unessential stuff from socks, face mask and facial scrub. Rush down to taka to meet James. Been quite sometime since i met him and yea, he change quite a bit. Nice hairstyle dude. Shi Yun bought me a zara tee, thanx alot nemo, wait i get pay i buy for you factory outlet dress. Must be thrifty nowadays, standard of living getting higher.
To end up the day, James brought us to this organic cafe, and the youghurt was really scrumptious, mouth watering pure satisfaction. Thanx for the treat. Need to gain 7 more kg.
I blog @ Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Friday, 16 May 2008
Was feeling exceptionally lost when i woke up today morning. The nausea feeling was there. So, when back to sleep till about 10. Yea didn't went to school because need to head downtown to run some errands.
Damn, dad have not yet transfer the money t my account. I'm desperate for cash right now because i'm like totally broke. Cant get money out from the other two bank account because granny is keeping track or the transaction. Haiz i guess now, she wants me to be thrifty and just spend for my needs and not wants.
Actually, I'm now in school, at the forum area, sitting here alone waititng for the rest of the peeps to come for the fashion show rehearsal. Kinda of excited because today is the day where i finaaly get to see the pre-execution on how the fashion show layout is going to be.
I blog @ Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, 15 May 2008
We're lovin' each day as if it's our last Dancing all night and havin' a blast Oh baby, I want you right here next to me We're lovin' each day as if it's our last Dancing all night and havin' a laugh Please baby I need you here.
Luckily, sales management today was pretty easy to handle. No slides. Just need to negotiate out the deal. Lucky got kak wani in the group, otherwise confirm sian. Suay sia group with cancer. To some people, if you don't feel like coming school, might as well just don't come.
As per usualy, the clique has alwya lighten up my mood in class. Thanks naf and nab for sparing me cash today. Really appreciate it. After school, headed out to AMK to search for the decor for fashion show with Aaron. We decided to take 169 there instead of taking the train. FUCK, reach destination and my ass felt numb, really weird feeling.
Sugarmommy amber rocks my socks, her attitude in class is superb! Totally enjoy her crapiness.I blog @ Thursday, May 15, 2008
I'm feeling the pinch, i just can't control my money, i always spend all of it till my wallet dry up. Now, I'm facing with the true consequence. I'm officially broke. Cant ask my dad for extra cash, because he would only give when he got his pay. Felt bad to keep bugging granny because I always ask her for cash. I'm a total dissapointment.
Just wanna make a new resolution now, be thrifty an always prepare for rainy days.
To be continued..............
Wani is hot minahI blog @ Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Enjoyed the time spend last nite. Presence is more than just being there.
Was supposed to go to school wit taj, but unfortunately, i miss the bus, thus had to take the next bus before meeting him at woodlands. thnx for waiting man. yea met zizzy onboeard 902, thanx for the nutella bread because i was having an empty stomach.
Came to school really early today, many of my classmates were surprised. Haiz, come early got comment,come late also got comment. Hopefully i will be early every single day.
Law module today was quite straight foward. So was very enthu in completing the presentation slides. Me and accomplice truly agree that our slides are the nicest of all. More unique slides to come.
Weather today was great, very chilling complimented by light rain. The best ever time to sleep. So while preparing for our slides, the group decided to listen to those emo songs ranging from spice girls, augustana, the fray and darren hayes. Those songs really really transform the ambience into a sentimental one and the looks of eah of our faces potrays the softer side of us. Can't deny this, but listening to emo songs during rainy days really put one into their divine state.
Wanna introduce to everyone my classmate who had just went out from the rehabilitation centre
she needs rehab!!!!!!!I blog @ Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
As per normal, woke up late today. I snooze my alarm four time till i switch off and ended up dozing off for an extra half an hour. Seems to hard to kick this habit out of me. My gut feeling was that i'm gonna reach school at arnd 8.45 (it's still late) but that didnt happened!
Thanks to the world class public transport and the state of the art infrastructure, I reach class at 9.25, 5 mins left to the first break. What to do, not my fault. But really feel the school system of not giving grace time is a total fucking jackass unreasonable self-centered idea. It is so inequitable of the school to downgrade 0.5 out of my daily grades. Those people who made this decision better watch out, because they will taste their own medicine one day. Please have shuttle bus to school, solve the damn problem!
Class ambience were very upbeat today. Everyone seems high, and yea i mean HIGH!!! Prolly because nabilah a.k.a the drug addict came to school today. Its been quite some time since i disturb her. Anywaes babe, i know what you going through, but be strong aite. The malay clan would defintiely enlight your day.
Suay thing today was that my damn watch all of sudden spoil, then my mp3 wire snap. Damn sian ah now, need to buy new watch and ear piece, now already having financial crisis. Hope i get my money soon,and i really mean soon. The sense of being insecure is just that when you have limited reserves of cash.
To the other half, it seems to me that i got this gut feeling that you feel sian with me. Maybe it's jus me being guilty conscious, but i just can sense it. Going to be a month, hopefully things would change for the better by then. I do make sacrifices and give my full commitment on this. Please be understanding because i don't like people who contradicts themselves.
Case close.I blog @ Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008
Feeling sick due to attack of the migrains!
I guess that i need the stress buster kit a.k.a the bed + pillow + blanket + air con = SLEEP (:
I truly felt proud of myself yesterday because up to date, that was the best sales i had ever attain at werk. Job well done, hopefully it would be this way everyday. god bless.
Waking up a late has become a daily routine for me. I seem to realise that i am always not punctual, i guess the syndrome is stuck in my blood. Need to cleanse it soon, otherwise it would really potray a bad image on me. Lesson learn,it pays to be early, but not too early, i meant just nice would be perfect. (:
Bad shit! As i was rushing to class, Naf sms me and told that today faci change the grouping. I was like wtf, additional ingredients to spoil my mood. Miz the old peeps, naf, cheryl, cheryl and andrea. the mist lively happening group. enjoy working with slackers who know how to prioritze their time and knows how to complete their task on target. Awesome!
New group, not bad ah. Give time, confirm can bond, then the level of enthusiasm would definitely spice up. My performance in class for today seems to be down. no mood ah. still hybernating status. here are the pics for the day.

najib is a bastard!!! :)
I blog @ Monday, May 12, 2008
Saturday, 10 May 2008
today was sales management module, and we were suppose to wear formal and present to a large group pf peeps at the lecture theatre. but guess what, majority of us decided to skip class today, not because we are shy to present infront a large group of people, practically due to having to dress up formal! wearing formal clothes to school can be quite dreading or so to speak, a much tedious process. the thing is u wear formal, then u got to take that fucking stupid bus that is superb crowded and get ur self cramp up. then people would start giving u some stupid stare as it if u look alienated.
so didn't went to skool, slept till 2.30. damn shiok! sleep is an ESSENTIAL COMPONENT in my life.period.
evening, met up wit des and headed dwn to tampines for dinner. taught of trying the food tall that was advertise on the new paper. but when we went down to see the stall itself, there were only four pathetic tables, totally rediculous and the food didnt look that appetizing. thus we decided to eat at the other nearby coffeeshop, the only alternative left. honestly speaking, the food that totally fuk the core. des bought the chicken rice, and guess what, the chiocken portion he got was probably enough to just feed a young infant. i bought chicken chop and it cost me a damn 6 bucks. the quality of the food really dosen't varies with the price. the vegetables seems to be in storage for like a decade and the gravey isn't that great. Lesson learn, don't ever eat at that shop!
Damn! i totally miss my old cliques. u peeps noe who u are. u guys are the soul of my life, u guys really keep the momentum goin. guess we need to chill out soon. GSS comin!I blog @ Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, 9 May 2008
First and foremost, i would like to take this ooprtunity to whole heartedly than taj for booking me a seat on board 168 when we were heading to school tis morning. the story was taj boarde 168 at the first few bus stop, so i told himto book a seat for me becoz i noe that by the time the bus reaches my bus stop, either there would be no more seats or that the bus is full. good enough i gt a seat. that's the way it should be everyday, as it dosen't spoil my mood to go to school.
today was events branding and scheduling module, and was quite surprised that it was going to be beloved mamasan (facilitator) last day. actually the feeling was neutral, bcoz she only taught us for 5 lessons. not much quality time spend i guess. so when she told the class the news, being me who dunno how to feel paiseh,i straight away ask her if she had bought any goodies for us. YEA, she bought us chocolates and sweets. for that, u rock my socks! there was tobelorone, and i actually wanted to grab the whole packet and dumb it inside my bag since she put it beside me. nevamind. dun be greedy. she also bought for us some light snacks for lunch. can say that she too much money, still single wat.
being thoughtful, i deciced to ask the class to chip in some cash so that we can buy her a cake and a small gift since she bought us so much stuff. end up, we bought her a chocolate cake and 3 small cactus plant. everybody budget, so resort to the most ffordable stuff. as always said, is the thought that counts.
THE CLIMAX FOR TODAY IS THAT THE WHOLE MALAY CLIQUE WORE SHAWL. AWESOMe, that's the spirit peeps. actually, the main purpose of us wearing the shawl was to bastard prof, jus for the fun of it. prolly next time, we should all wear shades or dress up retro to class, cool shit huh. here are the pictures.
3 lil catus
blow it mamasan blow it!

the explicit cliques
I blog @ Friday, May 09, 2008
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
as per normal, class has been superb with the happening malay cliques(not being racist). we just have the sam frequency, and the level of liveliness that we share is superb. we are damn comfortable with each other, we talk from like personal stuff, to those really sensitive thingy. its great when everyone is cool wit each other. they totally rock my panties. class ended, took some photos for the girls, too bad taj when home, otherwise can take the whole clique pic.
after classes ended, head down for fashion show auditions. was one of the judges for the female models. basically, we found 5 superb hot girls who really have that upbeat attitude. the rest, probably didn't match our standards, lack confidence, being too seductive by trying hard to make her boobs the centre of attraction. but salutes for all of them who really dared and being spontaneous in joining the competition coz u gals really got the guts. except for one girl, she was a superb stuck up( agreed by all three judges). no bitching or criticsm here, but this will all be pure facts. first, she entered the room like thinking she some hot stuff from chanel runway. her introduction was was the worst among all the contestant, she just tell her name and her course. like wtf. really shows that she has no personality. then i ask her to rate out of 10 her level of confidence and looks. she said both is 10/10. she really needs a mirror i guess. the way she speaks of herself totally disgust me, it a total turn off. lesson learn, dun always think to highly of urself or be too proud, jus be humble and be truthful about yourself. done wit it, chose the 5 girls required for the runway. congrats to them.
would really like to take this opportunity to thank Eneida and fifi for helping out wit the photography and videography. god bless.
after rapping up the autditions, when for dinner wit choun meng and eneida for dinner at jalan kayu. all of us was craving for prata's. at first, choun mend said that he only wanted to eat healthy food and not eat much, but being him, he always contradicts himself and ended up eating mee hoon goreng and rojak, which is like superb oily and fattening. training required to eliminate the fats.
when home, gt changed when to torn, enjoy
im treasuring u more
i made that decision
i will make it happen
i evol u lots I blog @ Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
it was really one of the most painful talk i ever had, really, i felt like breaking down. it was just a mix of feelings. at first, i was willing to her bout ur thoughts, but did not expect u to actually go in depth till it makes me feel that u are comparing me wit ur ex. yea, it sounds tat im nt being understanding, but i really love u, hearing that quite make me feel down. its like there someone is better than me. but really, im trying to be the best one for u, i really treasure u alot. i may not be the perfect guy, or the good looking guy, but im willing to do anything to sustain tis relationship.
on ther hand, while u were telling part of ur story, it ended up me being emo. brought back past situation and moments that i couldnt forget. jus wana take it easy and start afresh.
life have been busy lately as per normal. from school, to event planning, training, werk. im still thinkin bout it, i need to let go one of the commitments.
i noe what im doin and want in life, like it or dun like it, i am just being myself.
naf is best accompliceI blog @ Tuesday, May 06, 2008