Monday, 30 June 2008
I was never feelin the emo love shit, wth the hell, i gotta to slowly move on. Yea that is what i'm doin. Good for me that i didnt shed any tears. As being said before, life is just too short for all this nonsensical crap. I have been goin out much lately, yes with frenz, basically those happening peeps. It is like some sort of a therapy for me to get over what has happened.
Sometimes, i just feel that i do not know what the hell i am doin with my life. Seriously, i this problem that i dun wanna bother about the hell is happening. I like to keep myself busy to the extend that i'm parting away with my social life. Why can't i just lead a simple bilssful life. Seriously, i envy dada's relationship. I am really so happy for her. Wth im doin wit my life, flirting here and there, having no strings attached. I think im just not serious with what im doin. Sometimes, i realise that i can give my friends advice bout their life, but then actually my own life is totally corrupted. It's time for me to do some self-reflection. Hopefully more great happenings would come by.
Working at banana republic has been a total disaster. Firstly, the boss mcm fuck to the max. She is superb demanding. Must be punctual, she checks the time on the computer, eh halo, i follow my watch timing, i dun carry computer around to check my time coz there is this thing call watch. I hate doin the signing in and signing out thing, even for break in which i need to go to her to get it sign before i can go break. Only 30 mins and the fuck thing is that we cant even go out, coz she strictly abide to the 30mins timing. This one workplace or jail sial. Whole day stuck in the shop. Cant even check my phone coz she applies this rule that no one is suppose to keep their phones in the pocket, otherwise fine 60 bucks. late 1min 1 buck. this one boutique or charity organization. the company damn poor or what. Cum on, we are young adults, no need to treat us like some kids ok. Fuck with the management. Say GAP also apply that management concept. It's two different shop and caters to different range of customer, dun be so gundu pliz. stupid shit banana brains. Werking at zegna was way much better, banana republic like cannot make it,
Just endure for the time being, can enjoy later especially payday. Yup looking foward for it. I want to go batam and play paintballs soon.
To yani, i'm really sorie not to wish you happy birthday, i was having problems during that time. i'll get u ur present soon
To Ivy, really sorie also, Wish u a happy birthday, i'll get u ur present soon,I blog @ Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, 27 June 2008
Dark days had passed and now i'm trying to clear my thoughts after being hurt so badly. Went out wit nemo to relish my senses and get back to the normal najib. The plan was to head down to vivo to watch sex & the city, i wanted to watch it for the second time coz yes the sexual scenes was good, it was hilarious, and the best thing about the movie is the bond that the four ladies shared. But then nemo said that she was going to be broke and that it was stupid for her to watch the show the third time. Thus we decided on our second plan which is to head down to botanical gardens for a picnic cum movie.
Went to giant to get the foodstuff and so we headed down to botanical gardens. It was quite a long walk to find a comfortabe spot wit a nice amibience. We took about 30mins before we found a good spot. Sat there on started tugging in on the chips, pastries and the croissants, apple juice included. We were watching devils wear prada on nemo's ipod. It was really great, a good alternative of watching movies. Evening was approaching, we decided to go around and snap some pics.
Thanks aunt for giving me money today, otherwise i will be broke.

I blog @ Friday, June 27, 2008