Sunday, 30 November 2008
Chicken nuggets are much more delicious than fish nuggets.
Everyone's like falling sick, staying at home has never been fun, its like your being locked up. Nothing much can be done at home, it's either i watch tv, dvd's, surf the net, chat, lie on the bed and eat. tats it. It's pure boredom.
There's like so many things coming up in december. Marathon, shamir going ns, parties, birthdays, meet-ups, work and the list goes on.
Soon, that would be the end of 2008. 2009 then. which means to all my secondary school mates, we all will be turning 20, no more teens at the back the age, time really pass, and we are all growing up fast. How i wish we could turn back time. When i was in primary school, there was nothing much to worried about, unlike now where things are way much more different. Was browsing thru my sec school photos and i really felt that many us change, yes, looks and personality. kiddos to young matures teens. Wouldn't it be great if we can have a reunion.
Are you ready for what is to come by?
I wanna go for a picnic soon at botanical gardens
I blog @ Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, 28 November 2008
Just being oblivious to what's happening around me.
i need and antidote, for my fever, one that would make me cure faster.
I'm contemplating on whether i should go to work, my body just dosen't feel good.
I blog @ Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, 24 November 2008
I'm feeling so pathetic right now.
Just feel like throwing tantrums.
I just get easily agitated.
When ppl are having p.m.s
It's pisses me off
call it an irritant or a pest
November coming to an end
2009 coming up
time pass by with just a click
you dun realise it but most of the time,
we feel it, time passes by very fast
you feel stress, pressurize, hectic, pissed, downs &ups and whatever u name it.
I want to party all day, everyday, evry min, every sec.
Management Accounting sucks big time.
I blog @ Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, 21 November 2008
You don't know the real me.
Wouldn't it be great if you could know your prophecy
amendment to life can be made
It would just be as divine as what you have imagine.
Critics (unknowledgeable ones), gossip bitches, 2 face fuckers are all elements of hell.
if i dun even know you, i dun need ur malicious comments, ur just a piece of disgusting shit demonic looking moron, bloody streetwalker. Stop maligning me, coz i dun need worhtless ppl in my life.
An unexamined life is not worth living
I blog @ Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
RP just totally sucks. Guess what, module selection briefing is a total fuck up. Thought that after clearing the freely chosen modules for this two semester, we would only have a three day week school, but ms smarty pants who is our programme chair decided on us having a 4 days for 1st semester and 2 days on 2nd semester. Not only that, our electives have been chosen by her, which is like mandatory. WTF, why not we decrease your pay and say that it is mandatory, do you like it. The school module is already screwed up, there are so many repetition, lack of ideas to create new problems? Isn't unfair when you can't have the liberty to choose your electives, we were forced to take developing enterprise, and now m.i.c.e. She says that the reason why she chose for us this module is that it will help us get into university. Oh great, your talking like RP is the elite poly down here, like as if it would be that easy for us to get into uni. Reality check.
I blog @ Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
We are born with two eyes in front because we must not always look behind, but see what lies ahead beyond ourselves!
We are born to have two ears - one left, one right so we can hear both sides, collect both the compliments and criticisms, to see which are right.
We are born with a brain concealed in a skull then no matter how poor we are, we are still rich, for no one can steal what our brain contains, packing in more jewels and rings than you can think.
We are born with two eyes, two ears, but one mouth for the mouth is a sharp weapon, it can hurt, flirt, and kill.
Talk less, listen and see more.
We are born with only one heart and it reminds us to appreciate and give love from deep within.
I blog @ Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, 17 November 2008
It has been 3 and a half semester pass and i still can't get rid of my habit of being late. How now, what to do? And yea, alarm clocks, wake up calls and msgs dosen't work. I think if my house got bomb also i will still be dead sleeping. Looking for a very effective solution to cure this habit. Any suggestions? I'm craving for double mc spicy.
I blog @ Monday, November 17, 2008
I blog @ Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, 13 November 2008
How I wish i could have those energetic hyper type of strength even though im feelin tired, shag, worn out. It's just a torture to come to school and go to work when your body just feels tired, you just want to lie down on your bed and get a well deserved rest. Life isn't that simple, even though you try to make it simple, complicated things and difficulties always occurs. You try to be happy go lucky, but in the end you end up being unhappy and unlucky. At one point of time you feel that your life is so smooth, simple, contented, love, happy just like the way you wanted it to be, but the next second, things can just change drastically. Change really creates a big impact on one's life. Sometimes, it's just hard to adapt and accept. But if you don't, its just like your not facing reality, that's when you deceive the truth and when this prolongs for a period of time, things just get worst rite. Work was okay today, to keep myself awake, took some retard pics with the help of joanna. retards kills boredom.
wearing the feragamo heels is a big challenge. i almost fell twice. crazy for those ladies to wear this high heels, if were me, i bet my skinny legs can't balance my whole body weight.
I blog @ Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Consumer Psychology just hurts me psychologically. It's mental torture attending this module. It's a french facilitator,so sometimes one can't understand what he is talking due to his accent. The lesson is just mundane, 1st meeting, going thru last week's quiz, discussion on problem statement (during this time, we will just be stone). 2nd meeting is way much more worst, he will take like 20mins going to each group for discussion, come on, you won't need that long, it's not as if we are like having a world summit meeting right. god, please help us.My team was unlucky, we were the last group that he went to, and its was at 11.55a.m. Hey, 11.30a.m is our break time, dun cut into it. 3rd meeting, it starts at 2pm, but for the past few weeks, he will be 45mins late, but surprisingly today he was punctual. Good effort down there. But the mood for the 3rd meeting still remains the same, class feels like a graveyard, its very quiet, total silence except for the presentors. Some of us would just doze off, some doing their stuff on the lappy, some staring away blankly and a small minority listening to the presentation. Taj is sleeping beside me right now. It really shows how boring class can be. 7 more problems to go. Hanging out in the toilet is much more fun then to just sit in class and rot. I want to get new slippers, current one stinks.![](
I blog @ Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Did not had the apetite to eat today. Naf bought a medium dark chocolate gelato ice-cream, so i just tug in. I'm bored, tired, sleepy, fuck up, i need some substance in my life, oh yea. School has really been boring, monotonous, dry and redundant. It's like a repitition. Not interesting at all. Glad that PP and CE is settled, next up is FYP. Time goes by very fast. Hopefully next monday we can have a big get together for that someone birthday.
I blog @ Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, 10 November 2008
Finally, I have formed my FYP team. Thanks Ella. CURSE THE MOTHER FUCKER WHO STOLE KNAA PHONE.
I blog @ Monday, November 10, 2008
When to the rural surburbs of Singapore for some photo snapping session. Tino boy brought me to this place, I didn't know that we could actually enter the railway compound. The photos taken are rated awesome. Anyone has recommendations of nice scenic locations?
I blog @ Monday, November 10, 2008