Tuesday, 30 December 2008
I have not been eating well lately, things been a no way out this hols. Dad has been in hospital for almost 2 weeks, but i just don't have the heart to go down and visit him. Hopefully the two adults would change for the better after all this. Home has been absolutely dead every single time im back or awake, like there's no occupants. The prob is, i need to cook for myself, which is something i dun expertise in. Its about time i slave myself at work and earn my own bucks, lead my own life and learnt how to stand up for myself. Things just don't happen the way you want it. Life's like that. 2009. a fresh start. god bless najib.I blog @ Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, 19 December 2008
I feel lost, I just don't know what to do right now. The house feels empty, things drastically change. Kinda of helpless actually, seeing the sole breadwinner of the house, lying on that hospital bed, with so many tubes being induced into him. Yea, i noe i hated him for the way he treated me, but still in the end, we have the same blood. I just feel pity for him, seeing him in that kind of state, he had never been so sick before. Now, time is just not on my side, I'm having fever myself, working hours will be long since they are having the festive sales, and how in the blue hell am i going to find time to visit him. oh god, i just hope i can pull through this. I blog @ Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, 11 December 2008

Happy 19th birthday to my bro FARHI BIN AYUB
I blog @ Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, 7 December 2008
It would definitely be a day to remember, the satisfying feeling dominated the whole mood even though the pain was a total killer. Standard chartered marathon was really something that I would always remember, it was great and the experience was worth it. I would like to congratulate my two dearest frens shamir and especially farhana, for completing this 42km marathon, totally proud of you guys. Sorry shamir, we left you behing at the start of the race, and too farhana, it was and awesome teamwork, and remember this babe, najib now eats banana. hahaha. Ok, the thing is that i really hated banana, the taste of it dosen't sync well with my tastebuds, but halfway through the marathon, I was desperate for food, like any kind. I remembered it well, the pain on my legs was really a torture and i couldn'trun that fast anymore due to the muscle strained, but when i saw the volunteer distributing banana's quite a distance away, all of a sudden, i sprinted to the table for that banana. Wonders right, it really shows my level of desperation for food. Overall, I really can't describe the feeling, when I was approaching the finishing line at city hall, the aura was superb, it feels like your're running for the olymics and everyone was like cheering for you. AWESOME rite.
To my pal shamir, your're going ns this tuesday, all the best bro, take good care of yourself, remember, think positive.
My leg hurts, the strain is a total killer.

I blog @ Sunday, December 07, 2008
Friday, 5 December 2008
Jive fiesta for our class to day was superb. Salutes to Ms.Zawiyah.
I'm so addicted to Lush 99.5fm music, it just gives the groove I need to hype up.
Responsibility is an important criteria for one's survival in this world.
Cause if you don't take charge of ur life, complications tends to occur,
and sometimes, you get so frustrated and hard pain.
It just dosen't bring peace and tranquility to ur mind & senses.

I blog @ Friday, December 05, 2008
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Someone please bring me to gothic theatre. I want to catch The Fray.
I'm lovin it on myspace, go get one if you guys don't have it, especially music lovers.
stay out of politics, you will be on the safe heaven
I blog @ Thursday, December 04, 2008
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
It was great, awesome, fantastic, superb, because going out with the girlfie ms gill was what i needed. Let's co-habit together aite sher. love love ur company and i desparately need ur existance by my side. You read me like a poster and i read you like a magazine.
Had a get together with some of the secondary school peeps for shamir farewell dinner since our dear friend is going in for NS next tues. It was wow catcing up with the old peeps, we should do it again soon aite. Dunmanite, Home club on chirstmas nite for dunman reunion bash, let's meet up there ok people!
I want to dance with the dancing queen. ABBA is the vintage.

I blog @ Tuesday, December 02, 2008