Tuesday, 30 June 2009
There is no way that you can evade what life has in store for you.
The new addiction in music, R.E.M, loosing my religion, an awesome retrospect.
Also listen to Taveres - Heaven must be missing an angel.
Let's bring back the disco days. bell-bottom, with tight fitting disco shirts, hair gel up like cement being put on your head, babes with loud colours dresses, the geeky looks. Bring me back to the 80's.
the 90's were great too, remember spice girls backstreet boys days. I want to be a child and not grow up.
I blog @ Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, 29 June 2009
Let's just say that I once dated this someone, we were together, then we were not. Okay. We didnt contact for a very long time. Then, that person text me up, armoured with piles of excuses saying that she was just too caught up with so much stuff. Stop button. I guess some people are just using others, treating people cheaply, like spare tyres, or like a standby dummie. Spare a thought for others, because if you think you can play it on others, it can also be reversible. Babe, don't bother about that jerk, he's not worth anything in your life.
It's getting annoying in school when retard students start whining so much about the flu. There's no need to overreact in the first place, not as if we are facing a disease mutation that would turn us into creatures. So, stop blaming the school, they have their reasons for implenting certain measures.
It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel. The love confession.I blog @ Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Reading on fb and blogs, some kids really thinks that the flu pandemic is like a joke. They wish to get a holiday from it by wishing that pandemic gets worst. To those dummies, its not a holiday that you get, its called quarantine. It specifically means to your grounded at home for a week. Wish for that go ahead.
Do you feel the pressure and the need when you see your friends all attached. Then you start telling yourself why are you still single. Then you will start feeling miserable and tell yourself that you are missing out on something big. You feel that you are lack of being love, then you envy your friends when they behave intimately together. Bottomline, who doesn't want to be in love, with the right one. Time will come, be patient, there's no need a rush for it. When you're single, you mingle, and the fun comes. I want more disco shirts.I blog @ Sunday, June 28, 2009
My imperfection would be your perfection, Your imperfection would be my perfection.
It seems that looks has become the superior factor in today's world. I despise people calling someone else ugly, fat, disgusting, horrible or whatever insultive words that can come out from their mouth. Look at yourself first, if your like not even good looking, who the fuck are you to judge others and give those unrequired comments. Even if your hot, you don't even have the right to say that. Seriously, when you open your mouth and criticized someone, look at yourself first thoroughly. Even though you look flawless outside, what's the point when your inner beauty is horrible. Fuck to those bitches who commented on my friend, look at yourself into the mirror first before you comment on others, hopefully the mirror doesn't crack.I blog @ Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Talk about going for holidays, fucking hell pay me back my money you fucker. Father's day, it's not in my calendar. Mother's day, that more worst, it never even existed in my calendar. Wtf, so now i have to pay for my own miscelleneous fees. You fucking shameless sadistic human beings. Seriously, the bitch is driving me nuts, finding trouble in the middle of the night, saying that i was banging the door but actually i was just switching on the lights. She has a issue basically, which is mental.
How najib, what to do now, everything seems to be going wrong. I need a punching bag to release my anger.I blog @ Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Character or Looks?
Which one would be long lasting?
So what's your definition of first impression?
Is it the character or the looks?
Love or sex?
Which one would be long lasting?
So what's your definition of being in love?
Is it the love or the sex?Labels: c
I blog @ Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
I shall go on an offensive, the bitch thinks she rules, she makes decision. Your not a mother, your're more of like a fucking dictator who supress their kids to that extent that you just don't know where to stop and draw the line. For this past years, I just don't know what's your motive. So you thing i am playing sides, yes i am because i'm mature enough to know whats right, and seriously you made my childhood a dreadful and miserable one. Now, you want to ruin my youth life. You wont fucking go far, trust me. Don't come begging me for help when your old, because you don't deserve any respect or sympathy. Yes, I'm living under your roof now, that won't be for long because when i set free, i'll get even with you. Let you taste your medicine. See how it feels. That bitch really needs harsh treatments, other she wont realise it, like after the men of the house was stricken with kidbey failure, bitch still never learn her lesson.
I'm ashamed to have a mother like you, who cursed and prays for the worst things to happen to me, i'll be patient because i know that your sadistic ideology will hit back on you one day. I dare say that I'm never happy with my life, and that I will only see happiness till i distance myself from this woman. I blog @ Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
I envy the people around me, especially those close ones
because im missing lots of things in life
its not that kind of dream life you expect as a teenager
instead of enjoying my youth, i just can't do much
why, because my responsibility seems to be on par with my parents
because they just shun their responsibilities
thus i have to take on that huge load
seriously, it seems to much for me to handle.
It seems to be a never ending problem.
reaching insanity stage. controlling it
I blog @ Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, 15 June 2009

Been feeling abnormal lately. Don't know whether it is just the time of the month that this feeling starts to just pop out or that i just get easily paranoid. I would just go on a rage at home especially hearing my mom talking, the anger in me just erupts all of a sudden, grasp my hand tight and the feeling of hitting her and ask her to shut up. yea thats the thing, i dunno why i seem to get so tense easily. All of a sudden i feel like shunning away from everyone, is just this out of the blue feeling, its weird seriously. then comes the nights where i will keep on waking up in the middle of my sleep, many times, and i also dunno why. i jus wake up all of a sudden, switch on the light for a few mins and then switch it off and go to bed. usually repeated twice or if im lucky it only happen once. Just a few days back, i dreamt of me dying, left with only a week to live, hopefully its just a dream coz a day later, grandma called me and she was so nice to ask me come over her place as she had cooked for me. Yea, was treated like a prince there, food served with my favourites drinks. i was totally delighted but it make me feel that there was something wrong, prolly im just paranoid. Hopefully im not suffering from any mental distress, but it seems to me that its more like it. Am i just thinking too much, i can't deny that my current state of life is pack with problems that seems to process like a vicious cycle. But to think of it, everyone has problems, its a norm, im just trying to handle mine privately. I'm lost and the feeling right now is like wtf. I need a cure for all this.
I blog @ Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, 12 June 2009
I hate the current situation I'm in. I now totally believe in my instincts. My mind feels like its suffocated, I just don't know where to start. Temper are just running high. I hate people in the house, i hate this fucking situation.I blog @ Friday, June 12, 2009
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Marisher gill is suffering from intense obsessive compulsive disorder. Everything must be in tip top condition, and it really make my stay at her house feels like 5 star accommodation. Can't imagine how perfectionist she is, we bought 2 box of pizza's for lunch, and when i only started eating on the second slice, ms gill already started packing up the food into the container, reason, must keep the place in tip top condition. The other hilarious part while she was cooking instant noodle, remember only instant noodle. She start to clean and wipe the whole kitchen like as if she just finished a course meal dinner. Honestly, this house is like a flawless skin, there is no dirt, no dust, no unkept items, everything is all kept and arranged nicely, but its just to neat and proper for me. Oh well, that's the life of ms gill.
Holidays was not spend working, its totally feels weird for me.
Sometimes one wish that they can get whatever they dream of having
but sometimes one regret of actually having what the dream of having
At this moment of time, i really don't have a sense of direction in my life
On the outside, it always seems ok,
but on the inside, things are just like wires getting tangled up
It's sometimes difficult to bring out from the inside to the outside
Some things are just meant to be kept within
waiting for the right moment when it can be release out.
Set free.
I blog @ Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Thursday, 4 June 2009
It's like a vicious cycle, and this is one of those meanness thing that ever happen. So you think your're the boss and that you have every legitimate rights to do whatever you want, we shall see then. You make people loose their jobs, your turn will come soon too, don't worry. I'm feeling totally pissed right now. I'll hit you back with vengeance, because you brought me into a situation that I never wanted nor expected to be in.I blog @ Thursday, June 04, 2009
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
True leaders don't major on the minor, they major on the major.
I blog @ Tuesday, June 02, 2009